Google’s first warning: Check how the provider is doing and that is not obvious if that is not your area of expertise. An SEO consultant can just as well improve the image and reputation of your brand (this is also the goal) but also harm the latter. In any case, some unscrupulous references engage in the activity without having prior experience or conducted tests.
To facilitate this reflection on the choice of provider, you can, for example, ask several

Does your best SEO agency NYC have a track record of achievements and customer references?

This question is in itself a prerequisite. It is our policy not to display on this site all our achievements and many confreres do the same. For reasons of confidentiality. Ask the interviewer directly, ask him for some numerical examples, contact the people he/she worked with to find out more. If possible, ask a little about their strategy

Do you follow the Google guidelines?

In this area, it is imperative that you know the things tolerated and those prohibited by Google. In the same way, keeping yourself informed and operating the day before is an integral part of the job. In the video presentation, this question obviously reminds that Google sanctions violators to its rules. Beyond that, even the most black hat SEO must be able to tell you what Google wants. Also remember to inform yourself about these uses.

The goal, let’s talk about it in terms of deadlines

SEO benefits vary. Sometimes we have a very short intervention on a project because it does not require a monthly “subscription”. But it is more obvious to answer the need from the moment when it is expressed by the client. It is up to the senior SEO consultant, for example, to refer the client to these goals. An exercise that deserves your interest since SEO can have several objectives, be more or less difficult depending on the project and competition. In short, a number of important factors that need to be investigated. The video specifies for example, that the interventions of the SEO can have effects in 4 to 12 months.

To conclude on how to choose your SEO agency

Professionals in this sector are normally able to help you with the semantic content of your website (writing, quality assessment). They have a knowledge of how to organize it (whether in terms of internal links or tree structure). The best SEO agency NYC can help you with the use of
JavaScript, understand what a 301 redirect (and others), are able to ideally search with your keywords, can train you or your teams and have expertise in fairly precise markets. Remember to check all these points before you commit, and check the rates and what they are up against.